Are you in the search of the best URL clocking WordPress plugin and heard about the plugin named pretty links?

If yes, you are in the best place as in this article, we are going to review pretty links.

In this pretty links review, we are going to touch on many aspects like “what is prettylinks?”, features of pretty links, free vs pro, alternatives and many more. Let’s start the detailed review of prettylinks:

Prettylinks Review

Prettylinks is a WordPress plugin made for marketers to clock ugly links into beautiful and short links. It is mostly to track affiliate links as it is mostly used by affiliate marketers around the globe.

Thus, the pretty link gives another revenue stream for the monetization of your blogs. It helps you create beautiful URLs from your own custom domains, unlike Link clocking services like, TinyURL, bud-URL, and many other link clocking services that do not support custom link clocking or shrinking for free.

How to get started with Prettylinks?

Getting started with pretty links is full of fun like installing other WordPress plugins in your WordPress site. If you want to install pretty links to your website, you must have to follow the following steps:

  1. Go To Plugins, then, click on Add new
  2. Go to search Bar and search pretty links
  3. find pretty links and Install the plugin
  4. After successful installations,
  5. Activate the plugins.

Thus, you have installed free versions of pretty links at your WordPress site. If you want to buy paid version of pretty links. You have to apply the following steps:

  • Go to the official website. – Link
  • Click on Get preety links,
  • Fill personal details,
  • Pay the payment,
  • Download the Api Key and Plugin

Now, install and activate that plugin.

Thus, you successfully installed the best link-shrinking WordPress plugin on the website to optimize conversions.


In our detailed review of pretty links, we found it used to offer three types of plans to the users. These three plans are listed below:

pretty link pricing

Although all four plans have the same features the basic difference is the number of websites it supports. The beginner plan uses to support the 1 WordPress website while Marketer support 2 WordPress website and supper affiliate plan support 5 WordPress websites.

Prettylinks Review: Free Vs Paid

Want to compare the free version vs the paid version of the Pretty links! There is a great difference between free and paid versions as free versions do not support many versions the paid versions supports. Some of these features we found during a detailed review of pretty links are listed below:


The free plan only offers Temporary (302) Redirects, Temporary (307) Redirects, and Permanent (301) Redirects while the pro plan of the pretty plan use to offer all features of the free plan with Cloaked Redirects, Cloaked Redirects, Javascript Redirects, Meta-Refresh Redirects, Tracking Pixel Redirects, and Insert Links in Gutenberg Editor. These features combinedly make pretty links a beast.


The free plans of Pretty link WordPress plugin use to offer only basic features link Automatic Link Titles, Static Bookmarklet, Custom Slugs while pro versions use to offer Link Categories, Link Tags, Alternate Base URL, Conversion Reports, and many more.


The QR Code feature is specifically included in the pro plan of the plugins. This functionality allows you to utilize QR Codes for tasks such as “Adding Affiliate Link Disclosures on Pages, Posts, Custom Post Types, and Individual Links,” “Automatically Creating Links for Pages, Posts, and Custom Post Types,” “Rotating Redirects,” “Split Testing Redirects,” and more.

Getting Start with pretty link:

In this section of the prettylinks review, we will try to learn “How we should setup pretty links to make best of best from the solution.

Let’s learn:

After a successful installation, webmasters need to activate the pretty links WordPress plugin in your wordpress website.

activate pretty links

Now, moves to the Pretty Link » Options section of the plugin to customize the plugin to get most of it.

Here, you will find 8 setting options named General, links, Reporting, Replacement, Auto-create links, Pretty bar, Social, and pretty bar. Let us start to customize these options according to our needs.


The general option setting option will enable you to switch on and off the URL shortening or clocking feature of the pretty links plugin.


Under the links, you can configure link redirection type, enable tracking(Enable monster insights link plugins to track), Link Type(Do-follow or No-Follow), QR Codes, and many more features

prettylinks default link options review


Under this section, you can customize the report of the prettylinks of WordPress.


This tool helps you to replace affiliate links of the website at a move.

Create your first Affiliate Link with Prettylinks:

In this section of the prettylinks review, we are going to learn “how you can create beautiful links through Prettylinks?”

To create a beautiful affiliate like through prettylinks, you must have to go to Pretty Link » Add New Link.

how you can create beautiful links through Prettylinks?

Now, you have to select the redirection type of the clocked URL such as 307, 301, 302 temporary, URL redirect, and many more.

After the successful setup of redirections, you have to enter ugly affiliate links in the target URL section.

In the pretty link section, you can enter highly customized clock affiliate URLs.

After this, you will come through a section named advanced option. In this section, you can customize URLs based on Groups, Do-follow or No-follow, Parameter forwarding, and tracking.

Now, you have to customize the Pro options sections under pretty links plugins.

pretty links pro options customizations

The pro option is very unique for me as it offers some extra silent features link keywords(You can add unlimited numbers of the keywords), URL placements, Head scripts, Dynamic Redirections, and many more.

How UI of prettylinks look?

UI of pretty links

The Ui of prettylinks is easy to use even for the non-techy or new WordPress webmasters across the globe. It helps you improve your SEO as it has built-in social sharing options in the dashboard of the website. Pretty links also help you to start your affiliate marketing journey with zero money.

How to Get Pretty Links Pro for free?

There are almost two possible ways to use the Pretty Links for free. You can either use the free version of the plugin available in the WordPress store or you can use it by hosting your website on the platforms that offer it in the form of their hosting plan.

The WordPress hosting plans that used to offer the Pretty Links Pro for free are listed below:

  • Nexcess: It is a liquid web-backed Fully Managed Hosting for Faster Speeds, Stronger Security, Inherent Scalability and Trusted Support. The plan starts from $15 per month and goes up to your requirements.

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