Recently, Youtube has Launched Youtube Shorts. This is the first product, firstly launched in India. The Video format of your youtube shorts is 16:9 while the duration of the video will of 15 sec or less than 15 seconds.
We can say Google has grabbed the perfect time as TikTok is Banned in India and around the world. Trump administration is also looking into the matter of Tiktok and there is a large possibility that it may be banned in the USA. We all know that India is the Biggest Market for tiktok around the world.
What is Youtube Shorts?
Youtube Shorts is a 15s Video having an aspect ratio of 16:9 hosted by YouTube appear to a one of the biggest Rival of TIKTOK in the Coming Future. Features contained by Tiktok Shorts are Multiple segment cameras with timer and countdown Features.
The app will be available in both formats namely Android and Ios. The app is a true copy of TIKTOK or we can also say it is an exact copy.
Currently, Youtube shorts offers earning potential as an app to its publisher worth rupees 100 million dollars.