Hey guys, are you in search of the most detailed review of intechdc?
If yes, you are in the place in the article we will review intechdc. In this detailed intechdc review, we are going to touch on every aspect like “what is intechdc?”, features, plans, best alternatives and many more. Let’s start a detailed review of intechdc:
What is intechdc?
Intechdc is a Mumbai-based Hosting company founded in 2019. It used to offer low-cost Managed and unmanaged VPS as well as cloud hosting to the clients. All these plans come with 1GBPS bandwidth speed. During our detailed review, we found it used to offer more than 50 plans to its customers. Let us the detailed plan:
Intechdc Plans:
There are mainly four plans used to be offered by Intechdc. Some of these plans are listed below:
- Shared Web Host: Under this plan, the webmaster can manage 1 domain to 100 domains with a storage of 5 GB to unlimited SSD. The pricing used to start from 999 rupees to 7000 rupees.
- Managed Web Hosting: Intechdc used to offer Blazing Fast, Redundant & Managed Web Hosting. Under this offer, the webmaster can manage 1 domain to unlimited domains with a storage of 5 GB to unlimited SSD. The pricing used to start from 1999 rupees to 19,999 rupees.
- General Cloud VPS: It is the basic VPS plan of the intechdc. It starts from the 1GB RAM, 1 core, and 50GB SSD for 399 a month and goes up to your want.
- WebHost Cloud VPS: WebHost Cloud VPS is a hosting plan made for resellers. Enjoy increased flexibility and get the performance you need with SSD Storage. It starts from the 8 GB RAM, 6 core, and 300 GB SSD for 1999 a month and goes up to your want.
- Managed Cloud VPS:
Managed Cloud VPS is a hosting plan made for the business. Enjoy increased flexibility and get the performance you need with SSD Storage. It starts from the 1 GB RAM, 1 core, and 599 GB SSD for 699 a month and goes up to your want.
Features of Intechdc:
There are too many features of Intechdc that we found during their review. Some of them are listed below:
- Every plan comes up with the 1 dedicated IP.
- The minimum storage you get is 50Gb which is purely SSD.
- Time to set up is very less -120s.
- 10Gbps bandwidth
- Root Access
- Free Daily Backups
- Free SSL Certificate on selected Annual Plans
- Redundant infrastructure
Pros and Cons:
There are too many pros and cons of the intechdc. some of them are listed below:
- Reliable
- Cost-effective
- Managed by the Most reliable panel -Cpanel
- Lack of Database
- Unavailability of How to guide
Alternative: Intechdc Review
There are too many alternatives to Intechdc. Some of these alternatives are listed below:
- Hostclub99: Hostclub99 is a Jaipur, India based hosting as well as a domain service provider like another hosting provider. It used to offer unmanaged cloud servers to webmasters around the globe. The datacenters offered by the Hostclub9 is in Northern USA.
- Siteground: Siteground is a web hosting solution powered by the Powerful Server of Google and its own servers for very low latency and SEO. The Pricing of Hostclub99 is pretty high in Comparison to Hostclub99.
- Cloudways: Cloudways is one of the best-managed cloud hosting provider which was founded by Uzair Gadit, Pere Hospital, and Aaqib Gadit in 2009 and its headquarters is located on the island of Malta in Europe. They also have an office in Dubai as well as Spain. Till now, the staffs of cloudways helped more than 15,000 customers around the world to set up 50,000+ server in the worlds best cloud infrastructure.
- Easywp: Easywp is a Managed WordPress Hosting Solution backed by Namecheap’s Cloud server located in United States. According to Easywp, Easywp has a latency is almost .7s which is totally wrong as it offers TTFB around 0.7s which is pretty high.
- AWS: AWS stands for Amazon web Service backed by mighty Amazon LTD. It offers two types of servers EC2, Lambda, and AWS lightsail. This server has a great response time as it has a bandwidth of more than 10k Gb per second around the Globe. AWS captures more than 15% of the market share around the globe while if we talk about it’s data centre, then we must say it has more than 39 data centre around the Globe.
- Microhost: Microhost is the First and only company in India based company who have their own platform for the cloud computing services founded in 2010. It uses to offer Virtual Private Server for small as big Companies around the globe. Microhost has its 5 Data centre in the three continent(India, US, and Germany).
- Bluehost: Bluehost has become so important and well-known Brand in Website hosting for the last 15 years. Bluehost started its journey in 1996. Now a day, Bluehost use to offer shared, VPS as well as a dedicated hosting plan to host websites around the Globe. It was founded by Matt Heaton and Danny Ashworth in Provo, Utah. It has more than 800 staff working around the clock(24*7). The Servers of Bluehost are only located in the United State of America. (Here’s a detailed review of Bluehost with the best alternative.)
- HostingDarte: Hostingdart is a low cost managed WordPress hosting provider. It uses to offer Shared hosting Services, VPS Hosting, reseller hosting and domain.