Many of you who is at this article, must be heard about the affiliate program that use to be offered by the AmoCRM.

So, In this article, we are going to review the affiliate program that is being offered by the AmoCRM. SO, we are going to touch on lots of aspects like What is AmoCRM?, features, alternatives, requirements, affiliate program and many more. Let’s start the detailed review of AmoCRM:

What is AmoCRM?

amocrm affiliate program review

Amocrm is a massage based CRM that relies on massaging platform for the conversion of leads. the messaging platform includes Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Email, and many more.

The conversion ratio of AmoCRM which is a massage in respect of KEAP, Hubspot like CRM is pretty high. The conversion ratio offered by AmoCRM is 15% while normal CRM offers an 8% conversion ratio.

Affiliate Program:

Amocrm use to offer an affiliate program with a recurring payment of 35% of the total payment paid by your converted lead.

However, it’s pretty hard to join the affiliate program of Amo CRM as you have to watch 5 videos and you have to answer 50 questions out of 61 questions. This high efficiency is pretty high to gain in a single chance.


The Amocrm will offer you payment after a threshold of $100 through PAYPAL which is pretty low get. The payment will be issued once a month.


During our affiliate review of AmoCRM, we find lots of contenders that use to give great competitions to the AmoCRM. These AmoCRM alternatives are discussed below in a very detailed manner:

  • Berush affiliate Program: To acquire more a great number of customers to its platform, semrush is running a dedicated platform called berush. The affiliate marketer needs to register in this platform, if he or she wants to promote semrush.
  • Cloudways: Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting provider powered by Digital ocean, Linode, Vultr, and many other. The commision rate of the cloudways is upfront $30 plus 7% of billing ammount on the recurring basis.
  • Ezoic: Ezoic is AI (Artificial Intelligence) based platform which simplifies complex Internet infrastructure like ad optimization, Layout Testing, CDN and Revenue optimization for Publisher. Thus, Ezoic helped you by saving your time in doing these tasks. The primary focus of ezoic AI-based platform is to provide a great experience to your user while Increase in Revenue to the Publisher or Webmaster. Thus, both of you will have a win-win situation. – It use offer 3% of the total revenue of the user.

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